How to Dye Your Hair at Home and Get the Best Results!

How to color hair a home: get all the tips for dying your hair at home and getting the best results!
How to color hair a home: get all the tips for dying your hair at home and getting the best results!
Many women and men around the world use hair dye to freshen up their looks or hide pesky white hair that pops up. It's likely that you too have gone to a hair salon at least once to dye your locks, and you probably thought to yourself "hmmm… I can do this by myself!". Well, if you want to dye your roots or your entire head – yes, you can definitely do it at home! To get the best possible results, use the DIY dye tips we listed here.
Wash your hair 24-48 hours before you dye it
To get hair color to latch on to your hair, your locks should be clean of oils and hair products. So, when you prepare to dye your hair, make sure it is clean for at least 24 hours before you start. Wash it with shampoo and avoid using conditioner. Natural oils in your hair help dye attach better, and conditioner eliminates them. So, give your hair a good rinse with no conditioner.
Prepare the tools you will need beforehand
Just like at the salon, you want to be prepared to dye your hair before you start. The tools and products you need to dye your hair at home are:
For long-lasting results, you need to choose a shade that is suitable for your hair. Also, you should get familiar with the types of hair dyes that are available in stores; semi-permanent colors, like mousse or chalk dyes, will fade after a couple of hair washes. Permanent hair colors will stick to you like glue, and you will need to dye your roots from time to time instead of your entire head.
With a permanent color, you will need a developer (oxygen cream) to make the dye stick. The rule of thumb for dying your hair is that you should go one shade lighter or one shade darker than your natural hair color. To find out what your shade is, look at the color book that is found in every beauty supply store. If you are uncertain about what color to choose, consult the beauty consultant in the store.
Purchase two boxes of hair dye
A short head of hair does not require more than one box of color and developer. However, if your hair is shoulder length or longer, you will probably need more than one box of hair color. To be on the safe side, purchase two boxes in either case so you won't run out of hair dye in mid-coloring.
Get to dying
Once you have the right hair color for you, a developer, and all the tools you need – get started! First of all, put a towel or a color cape around your shoulders. Mix the color in the bowl and set it aside. Then, put Vaseline or a clear lip balm on your hairline, ears, and the back of your neck. This will prevent the hair dye from blotching your skin. Follow the instructions on the hair dye manual or box to prepare the dye.
Once the dye is mixed, put on your gloves. This is very important – the gloves will protect your hand skin and nails from the chemicals in hair dye. Comb your hair thoroughly, and part it in the middle. Start dying your hair, moving from the roots done. Once you are done with the middle section, part your hair on the side and continue dying each section, until all of your hair is covered in dye. Use a mirror to make sure you hit every spot.
Clean up and wait
Aside from mixing instructions, hair dyes also come with a recommended time frame for leaving the hair dye. The instructions include time for dying roots/your entire hair, so follow them. set a timer so you will not go over it and end up with burnt, dry hair. While you wait, use makeup removal wipes to clean hair dye from your skin, and to clean up your workstation.
Shampoo your hair
Once the time is up, go into the shower and shampoo the dye. Make sure not to use hot water because it can remove some of the dye. Use tempered water and shampoo your hair until all the excess dye is removed. Then, use the conditioner that is supplied with the hair dye, or another conditioner that you like. Wash your hair with lukewarm water, and get out of the shower. Style your hair to your liking and enjoy your new look!
Dying your hair at home is pretty simple. If you want to dye your entire head or just your roots with one color, you can definitely do a great job at home. However, more complex dye jobs, like bleaching, going several shades darker or brighter, and getting streaks in your hair should be left to the pros. Otherwise, you can have a DIY dye session at home and save a few bucks along the way.