Nail Manicure Types: How to Choose the Right Manicure for you!

Manicure Nail Polish Types: Discover Popular and Less Than Known Different Types of Manicures.

Don't we all love it when our nails are done nicely? Whether bringing your kid to school in the morning rush or handing in a fresh set of documents to your boss, you want to have your nails to boost your confidence. It's not all about the posture but your style, and there is no better indicator of your style than a nice manicure. However, there are multiple ways how can your mani can be done. This article will list all types of nails manicures and all the manicure nail polish types to save your precious time. Bear with us to find your favorite out of all the types of nail manicures.

Hot Oil Manicure Types

Listen up, you beauty queen! You love it when people treat you and your nails like a treasury, don't you? Well, then the hot oil manicure is for you. None of the different types of manicures offers you such a jam: having your nails soaked in heated natural oils and then gently being massaged into the tips of your fingers. The best thing about the hot oil manicure types is the nutritional effect they give your nails. Having had such an appointment, your nails will be moisturized and nourished for longer periods of time.

Types of nail manicures

Spa Manicure Types

If you can describe your life as stressful on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 represents absolute chaos, how would you rate yourself? Well, if your answer exceeds 5, then this hit of different types of manicures is for you. Even if you can't afford the full SPA package, you can always get the cherry on top and go for this Spa manicure. What makes it stand out? Well, aside from the aromatic oil hand massage and the variety of manicure nail polish types, you also get your hands scrubbed and hydrated with a special moisturizing mask.

This manicure lasts longer as it includes an aromatic salt scrub, an oil massage, and a hydrating mask on the hands and around the nails.

 different types of manicures

Soak-off Gel Manicure Types

This type of nail manicure is for those who love investing minimum input and getting the maximum output. Basically, the formula is super simple: you spend 1-2 hours at the nail salon and then enjoy 2-4 weeks with perfectly done nails. Specifics of the gel manicure nail polish types are that each layer of the soak-off gel needs to go under the UV light before another layer is added.

manicure nail polish types

Paraffin Wax Manicure

Are you also a tactile person? Or a nervous bundle, which constantly rolls things into their hands to pay better attention? If so, then stop browsing through different types of manicures, and go for a paraffin wax manicure! All you have to do is to soak your palms in lukewarm liquid wax and keep them there for a few beautiful mins. Once you take your hands out of the wax, wrap them in fresh towels, and proceed onto your mani appointment, where you could choose from a variety of manicure nail polish types!


Brazilian Manicure Types

All the most hyped trends come from Brazil, and types of nail manicures are not an exception! Being compared with different types of manicures, Brazilian manicure focuses entirely on cuticles—namely, their removal with the help of the special Brazilian clipper. Then, special manicure nail polish types can be applied to the nail, but also on the skin surrounding the nail, to make sure the nail is covered. The excess nail polish can then be easily removed from the surrounding skin to achieve the perfect look.

manicure types

3D Manicure Types

For many, gel-, wax-, and basic manicure types are so yesterday! And it's understandable, having tried different types of manicures, one is eager to explore what else is there in the store. Well, if that sounds like you, then going a 3D might be your thing. After the basic manicure is done, fix some fake nails onto yours. Then apply acrylic onto them and go with any color you want. Start placing beautiful little accessories like pearls, gemstones, or plastic flowers onto your nails to make sure they look stunningly beautiful.

Types of nail manicures

Hot Stone Manicure Types

Having had a tough week at work, school, or simply by being a full-time parent, all you can think of is massage. None of the types of nail manicures listed above could provide you with a feeling of total relaxation like this manicure. Hot stone massage relaxes your hands' muscles and softens the skin. Your hands will feel the way they never did before after the procedure, and what's more, your nails are going to get in a better shape before the mani!

different types of manicures

Key takeaways: Having listed different types of manicures, we hope you find the one that fits you the most! All of them will help your hands to relax and relieve the stress stored in your palms for weeks. However, it's important that you find the one that speaks to you!

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